One way ticket to Steki

Steki is made to, cityscape of soot, concrete and rust, containing the patterns of bygone days and incoming decades. Amidst gutters, stones and hyperlink streets, you will find a few stories, thoughts and designs, speaking about these patterns of bygones.

One out of the many, Steki sees you as such consumer with your eyes. You are welcomed to look around and read out of the few other projects published here.

You are doubly welcomed to email us and speak to us about anything.

The Immaterial Contest

First output, first introduction of a story. A short-chaptered read about gladiators and their masters, the concepts that bind them to loops of murder and death. Quick tempo of short chapters. Moment focused and filled with action, staged in places ways off into the future.

Who sees RED amidst lapses of their mind?


V1 Pyrite

Barebones instance of an index. Made on basic a premise of hosting the first published story. Numbered slowly, incrementally without anything but a simple number going up and a mineral of the month.

V1. Fool's gold, Pyrite with other igneous or metamorphic imperfections.

Release date: December 2nd, 2025

About us


STEKI V1 Pyrite, Feb 2025